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Research Description

Broadly speaking, Megan studies how the social structure encourages and/or inhibits cognitive diversity and the evolution of knowledge in medicine and patenting. Currently, Megan is working on two main projects. Project one examines how experiencing uneasiness when selecting observably diverse teammates may lead to inventors searching locally within their networks for collaborators rather than engaging in more distant search, resulting in cognitively homogenous teams. Megan uses data on over four million patent teams in word embedding models, an unsupervised machine learning technique, to map the knowledge space and subsequently places each inventor in the space to calculate how far they are from each other in their knowledge. Project two investigates the relationship between social and knowledge spaces in the medical industry using medical claims data consisting of billions of healthcare encounters in word embedding models. Megan also examines how this relationship impacts various outcomes, including physician novelty, the evolution of knowledge, and innovation adoption.


Lovette, A., Gabruk, M. E., Zhang, Y., Mick, C. R., Wilson, R. A., Olatunji, B. O., & Cole, D. A. (2023). Anxiety as a predictor of emotional and cognitive reactivity both within and between people. Cognitive Therapy and Research.

Liu, Q., Lu, R., Nestor, B. A., Lubarsky, S. R., Nick, E. A., Zhang, Y., Lovette, A.J., Gabruk, M.E., Rodgers, J.L., & Cole, D. A. (2022). Types, subtypes, and clinical correlates of peer victimization in college: A system science perspective. Psychology of Violence.

Cole, D. A., Gabruk, M. E., Nestor, B. A., Liu, Q., Lovette, A. J., Zhang, Y., & Mick, C. R. (2021). Between- versus within-person emotional and cognitive reactivity in relation to depressive symptoms. Journal of Affective Disorders, 295, 479-487. 

Zhang, Y., Cole, D. A., Mick, C. R., Lovette, A. J., & Gabruk, M. E. (2020). Cognitive reactivity to low positive and high negative affect. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 132, 103683.

Cole, D. A., Lubarsky, S. R., Nick, E. A., Cho, G. E., Nunez, M., Suarez-Cano, G., Jacquez, F. M., Mick, C. R., Zhang, Y., Lovette, A. J., Ford, M. A., Lu, R., Gabruk, M. E., & Rodgers, J. L. (2020). The Peer Victimization in College Survey: Construction and validation. Psychological Assessment, 32(9), 851-871.

Cole, D. A., Lu, R., Rights, J. D., Mick, C. R., Lubarsky, S. R., Gabruk, M. E., Lovette, A. J., Zhang, Y., Ford, M. A., & Nick, E. A. (2020). Emotional and cognitive reactivity: Validating a multilevel modeling approach to daily diary data. Psychological Assessment, 32(5), 431-441.

Cole, D. A., Lu, R., Rights, J. D., Brähmer, S. F., Lubarsky, S. R., Mick, C. R., Zhang, Y., Ford, M. A., Lovette, A. J., Gabruk, M. E., & Nick, E. A. (2020). Dynamic measures of emotional and cognitive reactivity in college students. Psychological Assessment, 32(2), 109-122.

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